Monday, 25 April 2011

What to do with leftovers or Crab meat salad with beurre blanc

Yesterday's post was about John Dory with a lime, coconut and coriander beurre blanc. Well, tonight felt a bit like a Sunday night and I usually take it easy in the kitchen on Sundays. I tend to look at what's left from the week in the fridge and try to come up with some recipe to use the leftovers. So tonight, when I saw I had some of the beurre blanc left, and I had a pack of fresh crab meat... well it all made sense to me to make a crab meat salad with the leftover beurre blanc.

So here is what I added to it:
- 100 gr of Fresh crab meat
- the leftover beurre blanc (about half of the recipe from the John Dory)
- a diced ripe avocado
- some fresh chopped parsley
- some lettuce leaves
- some pink peppercorn sprinklings

1. Just mix the crabmeat, the beurre blanc, the avocado and the parsley.
2. Scatter some lettuce leaves on a plate, shape some of the crabmeat mix into quenelles and place them on the lettuce. Sprinkle with the pink peppercorn sprinkings.
Et voilà!

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